Net Llama! wrote:

Peck, how do you know that SCO is subscribed to this list?
I have not used this email address for *anything* other than this mailing list. They do not have my other 3 email addresses (One is personal and the other two are business). Further, I did not recieve this piece of spam in my other mailboxes... Also, please note that it is more likely that I would get the spam in one of those mail boxes rather than this one due to the fact that when I am surfing the net and I register a product or send an email, the preferences in Mozilla tell it to use a particular return email address (And it's not [EMAIL PROTECTED]). In addition, I did not recieve this spam in any of my other mailboxes.

The short story is: There is no other source other than this list that SCaldera could have used to obtain this particular email address. Also, I know that Atlantabroadband does not sell email addresses... Period. I do work for them and furthermore, know the owner.



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