n 10/18/02 19:04, Ken Moffat wrote:

Susan Macchia wrote:

> Anyhoo - does any one know (Lonnie?), how to configure flash for
> Mozilla?

I'm not lonnie, but ...

There are 2 files, libflashplayer.so and ShockwaveFlash.class that need
to be put in your plugins directory, probably /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins,
but it could be elsewhere, try
locate mozilla/plugins
These can probably be copied from netscape/plugins if you have then
installed. The restart mozilla. Under the Help menu is About Plugins,
which shows (obviously) what plugins are installed.

Yup, that would be how its done. If you downloaded the mozilla tarball, then it gets installed wherever you want. Then you'll find a plugins directory under the top level mozilla directory.

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