On Sat, 19 Oct 2002 07:25:57 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I seen no clean way to do this. Your problem is:
> foo.org               IN      MX      5       mail.foo.org
> you can't tell mail servers some mail for users at foo.org goes to one
> box, and some goes to others.  In UNIX, I'd just create the
> appropriate forward files.  Not sure if that's an option for
> GropeWise.

Exactly.  If you want the mail to go directly to the correct server
you need to have a different domain name (@somethingelse.com).
Since that's not an option, you have to have it sent to the GroupWise
box and forwarded or pulled from there.  Since POP3 is not an option, it
needs to be pushed from GroupWise.  Yes, GroupWise does this, but it's
more time-consuming than scripting the creation of a bunch of .forward

This is still not ideal.  No RBL's will work with this method.  You'll
be stuck to email inspection filters.  This is like taking candy from
anyone and hoping you can see any bad stucck by holding up to the
light...  With RBL's it's more like not taking candy from
known-criminals or accomplices.  The only way around this, however, is
to create a subdomain (requiring everyone know of the change and send
mail to the correct address) run all email through a front-end system
which applies the RBL filter to all mail, not just your test group.  I
can't speak to the effectiveness of other MILTERs, but the RBL's have
been a very effective form of protection for my domains.

I use SpamCop, ORDB, and osirusoft:

FEATURE(`dnsbl',`Dialups.relays.OsiruSoft.com',`Dialup servers rejected
by policy -- use the mail server your ISP provides')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl',`bl.spamcop.net',` BlackListed Server Rejected. 
Blacklisted by spamcop.net. ')dnl 
FEATURE(`dnsbl',`relays.ordb.org',` BlackListed Server Rejected. 
Blacklisted by ordb.org. ')dnl 

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