Thanks.  That works.  It is a simple solution, too.

I have been confused because I have been looking at forms to send data to a
CGI script. The forms don't send data about the status of input
buttons, so I have been hitting my head against the old stone wall. Maybe it
is best just to abandon forms and just use links, as you have suggested.
Certainly, this will do what I need.

I guess what I would like to have ideally is a way to use javascript to
send data to a CGI script. Incorporating your suggestion, I think the
code below actually does what I need:

function CallCGI(data){
window.location="script.cgi?" + data

In the body of the html, 
<input type="button" onclick="CallCGI('TheData')">

I guess this must be so obvious that neither of my two books devoted
to javascript, or my book devoted to cgi, or my book devoted to html,
bothers to mention this. All the discussions I could find emphasize that
forms and environmental variables (which I don't see how to change from
the html) are the way to talk to CGI. It makes me wonder if this is the
right way to go. But, if it works, who cares if it is the "right" way.
It is amazing how many "options" you have when you start working with
html, javascript, cgi, etc. to do anything out of the ordinary, at least
for this amateur.

Of course, necessity being what it is, I was motivated enuf to learn about
SSI. Although that is very interesting, and I am sure I'll find find
uses for it, I don't know if it would solve the problem of interacting
with CGI scripts.  But, at least I didn't waste all of my time trying
to solve this!

Well, enuf avoidance. Gotta back back to the problem at hand. Washing the


On Sat, Oct 19, 2002 at 11:03:03AM -0400, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> Sure.  Just embed the data on a <A HREF=""> like this:
> <A
> HREF="";>Cl
> ick here to send data to form</A>
> ]
>  On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 21:21:54-0400 Joel
> Hammer<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a way to send data from a browser to a CGI script without
> > using a form? And, if not, is there a way to create a phantom form,
> > that is, a form which javascript generates itself, which would never
> > appear on the browser screen?
> > 
> > I can sorta envision how this could be made to happen with HIDDEN
> > types in input fields, but I hope to find a simple, "clean" approach.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Joel
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