n 10/20/02 07:41, Joel Hammer wrote:

I am spending too much time on a "trivial" problem, so its time to look for
some ideas.

Here is what I want to do:
Given a set of TIF slides (photomicrographs, up to 10 megs each) in a
directory. They will be numbered in sequence, 01_Blah 02_MoreBlah, etc.
I want to be able to view thumbnails of them on the
monitor. (Easy part)
Hard part:
I want to be able to quickly and easily rearrange and delete them,
like you would do on a manual slide sorter, prior to burning them to a
CD. This will involve changing the numerical prefix on the slides at some

I have been fooling with CGI scripts using the browser as the GUI,
but this seems like an awkward solution, at least in my hands. And,
I don't see any way I could use a drag and drop approach to moving the
slides around, which would be the ideal method.

Any ideas appreciated. I'd be willing to learn another programming
language, spend some money for software, or whatever.
xv can do this, although not perfectly.

However, I am not willing to spend hours searching sourceforge for some
buggy program that won't compile or run on my computer, and which,
after hours of experimentation, won't do what I want. I have already
spent about 30 minutes there. The first program wouldn't decompress
(wrong version of gunzip, I am guessing) and the second won't compile
(wrong version of QT). This is typical of any graphics software I try
to download.  I don't want to rebuild my system to solve one problem!
I hate to upgrade, since free upgrades, even free ones, consume large
amounts of my time, which is not free.
Might help if you told us which ones you've already tried.

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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