Some VERY Simple rules. Turn off ALL network Services not needed to run the system (this is done in
the inetd.conf file). Cancel, trash or otherwise do away with daemon process you DO NOT need.
With the FEW remaining services in networking - run them thru wrappers.
From there on, build the iptables/chains for the firewall.

Oh yeah ..... if you do NOT NEED NFS - get the h*ll rid of it .....

Robert Black Eagle wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 19 November 2002 5:50 am, m.w.chang wrote:

again, not when I am new to linux. do you know how intimidating for a
newbie when they see doors and doors of obstacles to setup a simple
home server behind a hardware firewall+router? Most newbies are not
ready for the hussles at the *Very* beginning.

More research into viruses, trojans and worms might convince you

Here's the problem I ran into. When I first installed linux, I ran as root for a long time (no security issues). Some cracker screwed my system to the wall, so I had to reinstall it. I then learned to run as a user. My users files got messed up by some cracker. I even set up a separate "fake" user for internet access. Some overflow problem messed up the root system. Now I run behind a firewall (not hardware and according to tests, I am invisible to outside hackers) and I've not had problems since.

I discovered that most systems will be at least looked at by hackers within 15 minutes of getting online and often faster than that. Many times on Windows, the reason a reinstall is necessary every few months (esp for 9X systems) is that crackers mess things up sometimes even when they don't intend to.

- -- Robert Black Eagle
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