Hi, list,

I'm having a strange problem. I reinstalled my server box tonight.
Everything seems to be working, but suddenly, I can't use fetchmail
to POP my mail off the server to my workstation:

$ fetchmail
fetchmail: 5.9.11 querying X protocol POP3) at Mon Nov 25 02:39:40 2002: poll started
POP3 connection to X failed: Connection refused
fetchmail: 5.9.11 querying X (protocol POP3) at Mon Nov 25 02:39:40 2002: poll 

I can't see that port 110 is closed, hosts.{allow,deny} are empty, and
I get the same error with the popa3d enabled and disabled in inetd.conf.
I'm stumped. It's been a long time since I had to track something like
this down. :-\ Any hints?


A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without
getting nervous.
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