On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> On Monday 25 November 2002 11:22 am, Net Llama! wrote:
> > On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> <snip>
> > >
> > > Cool!  My wife is from Newark and I like Manhattan a lot.  I'm not
> > > sure I could handle the winters or rusted cars but if I had the
> > > money to live in Manhattan itself, who cares about a couple $K for
> > > a new car once in awhile.
> >
> > Rusted cars??  Let's not get into stereotypes, ok?  And living in
> > Manhattan is prolly about as expensive as living in San Francisco.
> Jeeze, I don't know about that.  We get the New York Times and I read
> the real estate section.  Seems pretty pricey for a little condo in
> Manhattan.  However, when you get out of the city and move out to
> Conneticut [sp??] it looks a little better.

Connecticut can be a bit of a commute into the city (upwards of an hour by
car).  At any rate, NY & CA have the highest costs of living in the US.
They've flip-flopped between #1 & 2 for quite some time.

> > Granted, i like the weather out here alot more.  22 years in NY was
> > enough cold winters for my taste.
> I wasn't trying to make a dig about the rusted cars thing, but my
> impression is that they salt the roads and this takes a toll on cars.
> However, my wife's parents have nice cars that don't exhibit such
> problems so perhaps it is just a stereotype.
> Now, let's see, what stereotypes can I find about Pittsburg??  ;-)
> "I used to have a girlfriend whose parents lived in Pittsburg and . .
> blah . . .blah . . . ."

Pittsburgh is mostly alot of rednecks trying to be yuppies.  And it snows
there too.  I was never fond of the 'burgh, can't say that i miss it a

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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