On 11/26/02 18:56, Alan Jackson wrote:
> I'm at my wit's end. A runaway vim process filled up my disk, and I can't
> figure out *where*. I had cleared space a few days ago, and then it filled up
> again, when I found and killed the gvim zombie. I get quite different
> answers from different tools as well :
> df tells me I've used 36 Gbytes, that is, the whole disk.
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hdb1             38464340  36316120    194316 100% /home
> But when I try to find where it has gone with du,
> du -k /home yields :
>  5708312      .
>  total kb, or 6 Gb. Where is the other 30?

Here's some info on du/df from Sun support site - sunsolve. While
it is from Sun, I believe the explanations are applicable.

This is supposed to be an open link on sunsolve. Contact me if
it's not.
SYNOPSIS: du and df Differences (originally published 8/91) 

This one may not be in an open area, so including it here


SYNOPSIS: ADMIN UFS: du and df show different results 

The following infodoc/SRDB assumes a PATH variable that contains
/usr/sbin and 
/usr/bin. For commands or files that normally exist outside of
these common 
directories, full paths are specified.

Why "du" and "df" report different totals of used disk space?


There are 3 reasons why du and df can show different answers:

  1. Inconsistent fileystem requiring fsck(1m).
  2. Process with open file which does not exist in filesystem.
  3. Mount point directory contains data.


Before going into detail for the 3 possibilities, it is important
recognise how du and df obtain their answers:

  . du "walks" the filesystem (like "find" command would),
    checking the size of each file in turn, and keeping track of
the total.

  . df makes a system call to the filesystem itself and requests
    number of details, one of which is the current disk space
    (it gets the info directly from the superblocks of the

1. Inconsistent fileystem requiring fsck(1m).

   If the filesystem becomes corrupt/inconsistent for some
reason, it
   is quite likely that du and df will differ.  What can be seen
by a
   process looking at the filesystem (ie du), does not match up
   the view the filesystem itself has (ie what will be returned
   the querying df process).
   Corrupt/inconsistent filesystems should be repaired using
2. Process with open file which does not exist in the filesystem
directory structure.

   This scenario commonly occurs when some process keeps writing
to a file
   (usually a logfile) and a sysadmin deletes the file in panic
to prevent
   the filesystem from filling up.  But the offending process
keeps running
   and the space is not freed (the process keeps the file open).

   The disk blocks associated with a file are actually deleted
and made
   available for reuse when the last "reference" to the file is
   When a Unix process opens a file, the reference count to that
file is
   incremented.  Subsequently, if the file itself is removed from
   filesystem, the data blocks remain in use until the process
   the file, either explicitly with close(2), or implicitly when
   process dies.

   Under these conditions, du will be unable to "see" the file in
   filesystem (it was rm'd from the dir. structure), and
therefore will not count
   its size, but df (in getting the answer from the filesystem
itself) "knows"
   the file still exists.

   When the process closes the file (explicitly, or implicitly
when the
   process either quits or is killed, or the machine is
rebooted), the
   disk blocks will return to the freelist and du and df will
   Actually it is the unmount and remount of the filesystem that
   this problem.  But obviously if some process has an open file
on the
   filesystem, it will be impossible to unmount the filesystem
(device busy).
   See infodoc 17720 for additional info on the above scenario.
3. Directory mount point containing data.

   As filesystems are mounted on top of directories, if a
   mount point contains data, the du process will be unable to
see this
   data (seeing only the mounted filesystem), but the underlying 
   filesystem will still keep track of this data, consequently df
   report the extra disk space in use.

   Unmounting the filesystem will reveal the data.  However, if
the mounted
   filesystem is being used by running processes it will not be
   to unmount it.  Either identify and kill the processes
(fuser(1m), etc), 
   or reboot (possibly in single user mode) to check the mount
point directory.
Keywords: troubleshooting, error, failure, file, system, full,

Note: This document contains info previously available in SRDB
13165 (step 3 above)            

APPLIES TO: OS File System 
This one as well...


INFODOC ID: 17734 
SYNOPSIS: How to illustrate how 'du' and 'df' may not match. 

The 'du' and 'df' command sometimes do not match.  One of the
this occurs is that an opened file was removed from the system,
but the
process that had the file opened is still running.  Many people
do not
believe this.  The following steps quickly illustrate this

1.  Create a file of a substantial size to make the 'df' output
    change.  For example

        # df -kl .
        Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity 
Mounted on
        /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    1091719  613356  423778    60%    /
        # mkfile 100m bigfile
        # df -k .
        Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity 
Mounted on
        /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    1091719  715828  321306    70%    /

2. Begin a process which "opens" the file.

        # cat >> bigfile

   This 'cat' command will sit there forever.  Just leave it
   The file "bigfile" is now opened.  If you have 'lsof'
   (lsof is a neat freeware program which lists opened files),
you can
   see that the file 'bigfile' is opened.

3. In another window, remove the file.

        # rm bigfile

4. Check the size of the filesystem.  Notice that the space has
NOT be

        # df -k .
        Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity 
Mounted on
        /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    1091719  715828  321306    70%    /

5. Stop the 'cat' program (by pressing ^C in that window).  Now
   the program has stopped, you can see that the space has
finally been

        # df -kl .
        Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity 
Mounted on
        /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    1091719  613356  423778    60%   

APPLIES TO: Operating Systems/Solaris/Solaris 2.x, AFO Vertical
Team Docs/UNIX 

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