On Thursday 28 November 2002 07:27 am, someone claiming to be David A. Bandel 
> Hash: SHA1
> Folks,
> I have a Windoze network with a Samba server.

Which version of Samba?

> The Windoze network is composed of 98 and ME.  The Workgroup name is
> Oteima.
> On the 98 systems, there's one listing for Oteima and all systems show up
> in it.
> On the ME systems, there's two listings for Oteima (yes, two Oteima
> workgroups).
> - From the Samba server, I can use nmblookup and see _all_ the systems.
> Using smbclient, however, I can only connect to systems in one of the
> Oteima workgoups but not the other (10 in one, three in the other, the 3 I
> can connect to are mixed 98 and ME).
> Damndest thing I ever saw.  Problem is, the one system the Samba server
> _needs_ to talk to is in the other Oteima group. (God, I hate Windoze).
> Any suggestions (besides scrap Windoze?) ?

Provided you're current with samba (2.2.7 is the latest), only idea I have is 
to change the workgroups' names so they're different for the two groups.

You could try the samba mailing list. But if you do, you'll need to provide 
more information than you've provided here.


RedHat Psyche 8.0, stock kernel, Gnome 2.x, Xfree86 4.2.0
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