We dont call you down-staters, lopers is the friendly term we use.
Apple-knockers is for hunters
trolls...kinda like fibs
the swill we serve you is the brew that wont float the ball, we keep
the good stuff for ourselves. ;-)
With all the flap about drinking and driving we are only allowed to
drink dinner on weekends now.

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 21:39:37 -0500 - Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote the following
Re: Re: <OT> Michigan earthquake!

>On Monday 02 December 2002 20:57 pm, ronnie gauthier wrote:
>> Coffee is cheap. I  dont know about down there but up here we buy the
>> tour guide dinner.
>'Tour Guide Dinner'???   That sounds like what the locals call 'the
>swill for the down-staters'   :-)
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