On 12/13/02 18:09, Joel Hammer wrote:
I find the 4 drive limitation of IDE machines quite bothersome. Is there
some way, other than scsi, to overcome this limitation in the linux world?

Is setting up a scsi system just a matter of installing a scsi adaptor
and then plugging things in (along with the appropriate drivers)? Is it
worth the extra cost?
Yes, that's all there is to it. Plus in the SCSI controller, plug in the drives (make sure that they are properly terminated), and then either compile support for the controller into the kernel, or create an initrd. As for it being worth the cost, depends on what you're using it for. If your sole reason for going SCSI is to have more than 4 drives, then its not worth it. If you want better performance & reliability, then its certainly worth it.

Are there easier/better alternatives like firewire/usb peripherals?
Not for anyone who is serious about storage. IEEE1394 & USB are really toys for home users.

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