What's so confusing about all plugins for Mozilla going in mozilla/plugins?

On 12/17/02 19:42, Joel Hammer wrote:
Well, the plugin question was solved, and macromedia flash works fine, and
so far no crashes, but only time will tell.

My confusion was that the plugins in opera's plugin directory were not appearing
in the plugin list in preferences.
This seems to be because opera uses lippnpp.so to access all the plugins in
the opera plugin directory. So, in the plugin list, all you see is libnpp.
However, things seem to to work.

I just wish there was a howto somewhere which clearly explained this stuff.
For example, opera seems to make no distinction, in its documentation and
installation, of plugins and standalone applications. Maybe it just doesn't
explain standalone applications. This all seemed much clearer with netscape
4.75. I suppose this confusion is really progress, cleverly disguised.


On Sat, Dec 14, 2002 at 08:13:08PM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
Sorry for posting such a simple question but I have never seen an
explanation of plugins that makes sense to me.

I have gotten the newest flash plugin, 6.0, to avoid the unix remote xterminal

In order to install this program, I had to install new versions of make,
gcc, and glibc. This has been an all day process.

I have now debugged the flash install script enuf so that I have gotten
it to put the plugin into the /usr/lib/opera/plugin directory. Here are
the contents of that directory.

shplayer.xpt libflashplayer.so libnpp.so libnpp.so.0 libnpp.so.0.1
libnpp.so.0.1.8 operamotifwrapper plugger.so
L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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