On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 12:59:55 -0800 Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/21/02 11:27, Jerry McBride wrote:
> > Anyone here playing with the Xfree CVS sources? I've got version
> > dated december 17.
> > 
> > I've got it here, compiles no problems and it runs very fast...
> Fast compared to what?

Compared to 4.2.0. Currently, glxgears reports 749/149. This is on an old 500mhz
k6-2 and a matrox g200. Previously compiled 4.2.0 ran about 75% of that. In my
book it's much faster. I can't wait for 4.3.0 to turn up and get this QT/Xft2
thingy behind us.


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