On 01/01/03 12:56, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
begin  "Net Llama!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Tue, 31 Dec 2002 21:53:30 -0800)
the machine name that I typed in was maintained after install...  The
biggest annoyance was just how difficult it was to configure printing.  I
had a very difficult time encouraging other tech-newbies to use Red Hat
because there didn't seem to be a good way to admin the printing
subsystem.  Sure, I can create printcap files in VI, but they can't
I'll admit, i haven't tested printing much recently. My two primary Redhat based desktop boxes are still running the original lprng that came with 6.2. That was a breeze to setup, so perhaps things have changed, i dunno.

You have to compile MPlayer with libdvdcss support in order for it to be

capable of playing DVDs.  THe same is true for Xine.
I'll check it.  They wouldn't be able to ship libdvdcss, but if the
MPlayer packager cared enough, he might have compiled it with the
libraries and then just not ship them.  Xine looks for the libraries at
runtime meaning that they may or may not be there and it will load and
work.  Does that make sense.
The "MPlayer packager" (if you mean the folks who write it) never provides binaries for the reasons i've elaborated on earlier.

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