To the best of my knowledrge, dual headed display is setup in
/etc/X11/XF86Config[-4].  I don't know that you can disable it from
anywhere else but there.  I could be wrong though.

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Ian Stephen wrote:

> Hi list
> I feel like Mickey in Fantasia, I got two monitors working on my RH8.0
> system, but now how do I turn it off?  Sometimes, like for screenshots
> and Impress previews, I only want one monitor working.
> Tried going to runlevel 3 and doing variations of startx -xinerama,
> startx -e -xinerama... My computer seemed to get increasingly annoyed
> with my bumbling so I quit and ran for help.
> Any tips?
> Thanks,
> IanS

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