Could someone enlighten me on the finer aspects of firewalling. What I have is a new netgear router/firewall at home. It all works very well, but.. In the logs that it generates I see that The IMAPS server I am connecting to wants to make a connection back to me on some high port.

My question is should I open these high ports to allow this? None of the rules I have created allow this so it goes to the default rule wich is deny.

Further, I have googled and also been reading the oreilly book about building internet firewalls, and it says nothing about IMAP making a connection back to the client on a high port.

Here is a snip from the log:

2003 Jan 11 10:09:12 (FM114P-2a-5f-a4) TCP packet - Source:,993,WAN - Destination:,33815,LAN [Drop] - [Inbound Default rule match]

When this happens I lose the connection to IMAP and I need to relogin, so this must be a discovery packet or something I suppose.

What would the suggestion be?


btw: is the router, is my mail server in the DMZ, and I am on a 192.168.x.x machine doing NAT behind this router.

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