stayler wrote:

> There are several lights on the unit, one od which is a framing error
> indication.  This one goes red during the problem times, and yes the
> phone service goes as well.
> This problem has been going on for 6 months at least.  My location is
> fed by about a 2 miles of copper that comes from the local fiber drop.
> It could be maintenance, but it'll happen at all hours of the day and
> night and I have never seen a repair guy out here at night....
> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 09:06:02 -0600, C M Reinehr wrote:
>>Sounds suspeciously similar to problems I was having, but we need to learn
>>a little more about your problem. When you say that your "connection"
>>drops out, do you mean just your internet connection or do you lose phone
>>service, as well. The telephone company terminates a T-1 line into a
>>"network termination unit." On mine, and I would imagine on all of them,
>>there is a single green LED which indicates that the T-1 is up and
>>functioning. Is your T-1 up & functioning, or is the entire T-1 dropping?

If you're ntu is indicating a framing problem, I think your only recourse 
is to complain to the telephone company. (In my case, the line would go 
entirely dead -- no frames at all. :-) Just remember that, while the phone 
company may be the "evil empire", the line technicians are your friends. I 
kept calling (and complaining to the public service commission) but it was 
a local T-1 service technician who ultimately identified the problem, after 
giving me his personal cell phone number so I could call him directly, when 
my problem would reoccur.

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