KDE 3.1 is here and about as nice as it can be...

However, I had two compile issues...

The first compile problem had to do with multiple copies of zlib on my system.
The compiled terminated with "gzgets" errors... What happened is, I have a
system with a copy of zlib on it plus XF86Config with it's own version of
zlib... Having two copiles give the KDE makefile fits... so I removed
/usr/X11R6/lib/libx.a to fix this issue. One day, when XF86 4.3 comes out I'll
properly configure and compile it... for now I just use the default compile

The second issue has to do with the KDE 3.1 requirement of having some of
components of Mozilla hanging around... namely the embeded gtk component named
gtkmozembed and it's support files. This is something new to KDE
3.1 as the release candidates didn''t have this requirement. Anyway, compiling
Mozilla and installing all it's component pieces allowed KDE 3.1 to compile from
start to finish with no further compile errors.

KDE 3.1 continues to surprise me. Nicely polished, quick and tons of eye candy.

Cheers all.


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