No, it wouldn't see the partitions because the RAID controller wasn't 
detected in the autoprobe.  However, since I used the expert mode and told 
it to get the driver from the floppy I now have all the neat little icons 
for for my partitions.  

However, some questions remain 

1.  Somehow I'm supposed to be able to be able to unmount the CD.  I was 
told that it uses a ramdisk and it does - I have 1 Gig of memory and it 
made an 720 gig ramdisk.  However, I haven't been able to umount the CD - 
it tells me it's busy.

2.  Why can't I modify some of these files.  Maybe I have to replace them 
during boot.  I notice a floppyconfig option which is supposed to allow me 
to modify the config by adding my info to it.  What exactly I can do with 
this I don't know.

It looks like a very nice distro and one that's handy as a rescue tool 
since it has all the tools of a full install.  

Net Llama! wrote:

> On 02/11/03 19:10, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
>> Well, I'm not sure.  I can mount a floppy.  Let me restate the problem in
>> a clearer way.
>> Knoppix won't let me modify /etc/hosts - tells me it can't modify linked
>> files and it won't let me do a modprobe dpt_i2o even though the module is
>> there - it tells me operartion not permitted.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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