No doubt, not everyone likes all they read in the article. What I like
about it though is the well-deserved recognition Linux is finally
getting, albeit slowly and in some cases even begrudgingly. I remember a
while ago I sent an email to Steve Wildstrom, a BusinessWeek technology
editor, and kind of complained that BusinessWeek had never given Linux
any recognition.Steve's reply was (I forget the exact words) something
along the lines: well, Linux was great as a server software, but when
its came to desktops and user applications, it fell short,etc. Well,
that was about a year ago. Look what can happen in just one year! This
is certainly a big boost to users like me who switched from windows to
Linux for no reason other than disgust with Microsoft's dreadful
near-monopoly and outright exploitation of the consumer.  

On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 09:13, Jerry McBride wrote:
> It's a nice article... but old news to those that are "in the know". 
> But I gotta ask, he refers to "intel making chips for linux"... What chips? I
> think he either made a publishing error and just misunderstood the facts.
> He also paints most, if not all, linux enthusiasts as being beat-nick like,
> dirty, etc. I take exception to that. I do my part for linux everyday I'm alive.
> I've handed out hundreds if not thousands of copies of linux to anyone and every
> one I meet through out my day and I have never met anyone that even closely
> resembles his description. :') I'm saying this, tongue in cheak...
> What I liked most about the article is the usage of honest facts... ie
> $100 million saved over 5 years... $250,000.00 to a 4000.00 box, etc...
> I wish there were more hooks in the article so I could do a little following up
> on what was written.
> However, a very nice read, one that I've printed and included in my linux
> handout. It'll warm the cockles of any linux beat-nick out here...
> Thanks for the URL.
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 15:09:50 +0800 "M.W. Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I had no idea why the writer made this comment:
> > 
> > How a ragtag band of software geeks is threatening Sun and
> > Microsoft--and turning the computer world upside down
> > 
> > what was turning upside down?
> > ragtag band of geeks?
> > 
> > Iraj Medifar wrote:
> > > Hi all:
> > > I figure most every Linux user should find this to be an enjoyabke read.
> > >
> > 
> > -- 
> >   .~.    Might, Courage, Vision. In Linux We Trust.
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