Hi all,

In my efforts to get the latest version of Webmin on my proxy server(RH8
box), I'm trying to upgrage a box to openssl-0.9.6g-1 from
openssl-0.9.6b-28.  I built the rpms from source and when I did the
upgrade option it gave me a laundry list of programs that depend on
libcrypto.so.2 and libssl.so.2.  

In lieu of upgrading a ton of programs, I thought I could have the older
openssl libs and the new ones live side by side like my other dependency
problem on a different box this week.  So instead of rpm -Uhv
openssl.blah.rpm, I did rpm -ihv openssl.blah.rpm.  

I get a conflicting file error.  "File /usr/bin/openssl from install of
openssl-0.9.6g-1 conflicts with file from package openssl-0.9.6b-26"

My thought is to use the --replacefiles option since I don't care if the
actual openssl-0.9.6b binary is overwritten, I just want to keep the
older libraries.  Will doing --replacefiles be a wise option or will it
replace the libraries too?  Is this file conflict just the tip of the
iceberg of many more?

This is a production box so I didn't want to go messing without getting
some input.  


--Tom Wilson
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