On 3/6/2003 2:12 AM, someone claiming to be Iraj Medifar wrote:
Hi everyone:

I wonder if anyone has experienced that RedHat 8.0 does not allow a user to edit his crontab. It looks strange that the same edit on another box with Mandrake 8.2 does work.

Works for me, RH8.0

In Mandrake, one opens a terminal and runs:

        export EDITOR=gedit
        crontab -e

In RedHat 8.0, I just use crontab -e

I believe the default EDITOR is vim (or plain vi -- :wq saves and quits)

Then follows by commands and saves the changes. That's it.

In RedHat 8.0, the same action results in this message: "no changes made to crontab". You get the same message even when you log in as root and try to edit the user's crontab.

Is this just your user, or other users, too. Can root edit his own crontab?

Has anyone else had the same experience with RedHat 8? Is there a solution? Am I forgetting something in RedHat?

I'm with Joel on this, check your perms.


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