I was just getting ready to go to bed and I remembered that I forgot... :')

I stumbled onto two really, really nice compiler tools today. One is named
CCACHE and the other is DISTCC. 

The first one (ccache) caches object files of previous compiler runs and feeds
them back if the current compiler run can use a cached object. I've just tried
it on a couple of compile runs with xfree86. It shaved off about 10 minutes...
The only catch is, the cache takes up a lot of room... The advantage is, back to
back compiles of source code can be GREATLY speededup by using it. Now it won't
be so painful to try different ./configure tweaks of those large source code

The second one (DISTCC) is a really niffty project, one that will take a bit of
time for me to implement... distcc is a distributed compiler. In reality
it's a frontend to all the compilers you allow it to use. You can compile a
single project across several computers on a network... This my, friends, is
going to be the cats meow! Parallel processing with a useful purpose.

If anyone is interested, I'll post the url's tomorrow. Cheers and goodnight.


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