On 03/27/03 20:09, Bill Davidson wrote:
>> > How about:
>> > insert into table_foo (b) select a from table_foo;
>> >> ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL
> > I was just about to correct that post. INSERT creates a new row. It
> sounds like you need to UPDATE. I don't know how to to update
> multiple rows with different data. Sorry.

why would i want to update?  there's nothing in b yet to update, which
is why i thought inserting was the way to get the data in there.

INSERT inserts rows, not columns. If you INSERT like you tried you'll get new rows with only column b filled with data. That won't even work if you try unless all the other fields are optional (which would be highly irregular, to say the very least). I don't have a lot of experience with SQL, just from college, where I'm in my final year, so I can't help you much more than that.

but all i want is to insert data into a single column, b. the other columns in table_foo are already populated. oh, well, thanks for your help anyway.

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