dep wrote:

begin  Lee's  quote:
| Last two days have been getting bounced mail from directories that
| I didn't send mail to and ddresses I never heard of. Some of the
| messages are from viri detectors, one mentioned a Happy Lady Day
| virus. None of the addressees are in my address book and logs
| indicate that I never e-mailed them anything. Suspect a new virus
| picking my address out of an infected computer's address book.
| Running SUSe 8.0 and Mandrake 9.0. Would appreciate it if one of
| you kindly folks with the virus detectors could scan this to make
| sure that someone hasn't created a Linux virus.

sadly, an old trick, to get you instead of the bad guys in trouble. i'm preparing to market a line of modified baseball bats for use on people who screw around in this fashion -- people who have time to do this kind of stuff clearly have too much time on their hands and should spend that time in the company of a reconstructive dentist.

That's my kind of justice!

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