quoth Kurt Wall:
| Quoth dep:
| > out the front door about half an hour ago.
| >
| > http://www.linuxandmain.com/artwork/allieandpal.jpg
| I take it Allie is the gorgeous piece of hosreflesh?

yup. 22-year-old thoroughbred. our pet. a very distinct personality, 
but also proof of my notion that the scientific name of the 
thoroughbred should be "Equus stupidicus." same horse whose picture 
appears several places in practical kde, included being taken over a 
jump by my wife.

there's a downside to it all, alas -- just now i had to deal with an 
obviously rabid red fox (a redundancy hereabouts, alas), which had 
found its way into the upper paddock, about 20 feet behind the place 
where the deer stood, just on the other side of the fence from it.

http://www.linuxandmain.com -- outside the box, barely within
the envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
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