On 07/11/03 19:29, Koko1 wrote:

Subject: Install Problem Dual Boot RH72//XP


I am trying to install RH 7.2, dual boot with XP Pro.  I installed second
drive for RH.  BIOS sees it; Secondary Slave.  As RH install disk loads it
sees the drive as hdd and correctly identifies it as Maxtor etc...

As it probes a few lines down it says:

hdd:hdd: irq timeout: status 0x50 {DriveReady SeekComplete}

repeats this a few times, then:

ide1:reset: master error (0x00?}

tries a few more times then goes into the graphical install portion.  I get
to partition info and select Manual with Disk Druid.

It tells me "The partition table on device hdd was unreadable.  To create
new partitions it must be initialized."

I say YES, then:

Input/Output error during read on tmp/hdd

I went back into XP and created a partition (FAT32). Same results during RH install. I went back to XP again (getting desperate here) and tried marking it ACTIVE, hoping for I don't know what. Same results.

Any ideas or does it just sound like a bad drive? Its new 20GB.

Sounds like the classic symptoms of a bad drive, or bad controller. Have you tried moving it to a different location? Also, is the drive jumpered to be the slave? Just wondering why you're playing with RH-7.2?

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: http://netllama.ipfox.com

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