Kurt Wall wrote:

Quoth Klaus-Peter Schrage:

Kurt Wall schrieb:

Quoth Keith Antoine:

On Saturday 26 July 2003 05:35 pm, David A. Bandel wrote:

Might try http://linuxbooks.pananix.com/kernel2.6.html for my stab at
2.6 "gotcha" documentation.


David A. Bandel

Phewww!! I could breathe again at last: Many thanks.

Another helpful doc, although a little bit dated, is
However, just now, I'm gettin Connection Refused errors. Anyone else?

I was able to get it from kernel.org (ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/davej/misc/post-halloweeen-2.5.txt)

Same in Old Europe.

BTW, I don't find anything under the obove mentioned url http://linuxbooks ... as well, only a blank page in mozilla.

Works here using Firebird 0.6 and Mozilla 1.4

$ mozilla -v
Mozilla 1.4, Copyright (c) 2003 mozilla.org, build 2003062407
$ MozillaFirebird -v
Mozilla 1.5a, Copyright (c) 2003 mozilla.org, build 2003070308

It didn't work using moz 1.3.1, now it does with 1.4, thanks

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