135 - 139 are NetBIOS, and are to be expected from all Windows boxen.  Make
sure you aren't receiving and forwarding any of these from the Internet.
UDP 67 and 68 are the source and destination ports for DHCP communication.  Is
your broadband connection on a 10.55.x.x network?  Your router seems to be
droping the DHCP packets...  This could be bad, if you have added filters to
your router which cause it to be unable to receive the Lease information for
its IP Information.  Check into this in the router...

As for the Linux/Windows sharing the router, are they both set to use DHCP?  
Also, were you using two different networks on the Linux eth interfaces when
using it as a router?  The NetGear is a device with very little power, but it
allows the GUI only to include what is necessary.  For Linux, I recommend
Webmin (which comes on many Distro's) as a Linux web interface.  But because
the Linux box is so powerful (ie. so feature-full) you would have to know what
you needed to configure to make it act as the Router/Gateway/DHCP server.
I may have missed it but I didn't see you mention that you have DHCP serving
set up on the Linux box before, which would have left the network
configuration up to the XP box to figure out.  The Webmin GUI is quite nice,
although since it is still very powerful it may still require that you know a
little bit more about networking and DHCP to be undaunted by all the options.

Hope it's all working for you.  I've been offline for a week so I might have
missed it, but what's the status of this?  Are you able to use both machines
at the same time?


On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:52:55 +1000
Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am getting mail from the router which I do not understand. The following 
> IP's are
> being dropped. I can see they are local but why are they being generated at
> all and why are they not received. some from,137 are allowed.
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:55:37 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,138,LAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:55:43 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:55:51 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:55:59 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:04 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:06 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,137,LAN - [Receive]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:07 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:12 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:28 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:30 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:32 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:41 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:56:57 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,67,WAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:57:43 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,137,LAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:57:43 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,137,LAN - [Drop]
> Tue, 2003-07-22 22:57:44 - Device Receive UDP Packet - 
> Source:,137,LAN - [Drop]
> Skippy
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Matthew Carpenter 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          http://www.eisgr.com/

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