Tina M Berendt wrote:

So, what *specifically* made eD so great?

I'm not linux learned. I got POed at M$ and not knowing much stumbled upon Indiot's Guide to Linux and started with 1.3. I migrated to 2.2, 2.3 and finally to eD2.4. Everything worked on my box. When it didn't I called and got a straight answer. Then I became aware of the List. Almost all of what I know came from that list (pretty much the same core bunch that is this list) and this list. All of the releases of Caldera worked out of the box for every thing I needed and EXPECTED. I never had a "You have performed an illegal operation" and at the time that was about all I was interested in. I've tried Mandrake 8.2 and my CDrom/Burner freezes up the whole system (oops, I had to get the sxs steps to make the burner work on Caldera). I Am using RH7.3 now. I tried 8.0, but get the same problem with the CDROM. Caldera was comfortable, easy to use, easy to make something work and seemed to like me. Maybe that's what is important?

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