Quoth Burns MacDonald:
> On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 13:23, Net Llama! wrote:
> > On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> > 
> > > The unnamed Fortune 500 company is apparently the first to sign up for
> > > a SCO Unix intellectual property software license under a program
> > > started just last week.
> > I doubt its Sun.  They can smell the M$ puppetmaster in this, and they
> > hate M$.
> I agree - that still leaves 499 others. I doubt that it is a vendor.
> It's more likely either a large System Integrator, like EDS, or a large
> non-IT company that is hedging it's enterprise infrastructure. Heck,
> perhaps it's Unisys? They seem to always be playing the MS proxy role.

I bet we find out tomorrow. Or not. Who gives a flying fsck, though.
We're talking SCUM^h^hO
> -- 
> Burns MacDonald
> Ottawa Canada
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