Terence McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 19 Aug 2003 15:28:46 +0100

On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 09:45:45 -0500
Alma J Wetzker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It is my understanding that the cdrom drives need to be addressed as scsi > devices.

No. You only need SCSI emulation if you wish to use a CD writer. As most Linux progs originally were written for Unix type systems where SCSI is very common if not standard, the various CD writing utils look for a SCSI CD writer.

SCSI emulation makes the IDE CD writer appear to the software as a SCSI device. Do not compile SCSI support and SCSI emulation into the kernel together.

This, at least, is my understanding (I'll be flamed if this is incorrect :)!)

That actually makes a lot of sense. I read about this stuff while trying to get the 'R' portion of my CD-R working. It was my first attempt to use ide and several growth opportunities came up. Most systems today just put that stuff in for you automagically so you can ignore it (if it works...).

-- Alma

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