Joel Hammer wrote:


I hunted around a bit and found a module in /lib/modules/.../video  that was
placed there by the nvidia installer script. I insmod'ed that one and
it worked. I had been trying to insmod a likely sounding module placed
in the target directory by the installer.


i wonder if the lin4win extensions are the problem. I've used the nvidia installer with no problems on several installs. The script prompts for several choices, and if all appropriate headers are not present it will tell you. The only thing I've had to do is edit XF86Config.

Maybe you'll have better luck on a stock kernel on lindows.

I use Libranet, debian based, and it installs no problem. I've also installed on Debian 3.0, Slackware 9, and knoppix 3.2.

Libranet has it built in to the install process.


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