Has anyone tried to use Opengroupware?
Any comments?
Wil McGilvery Manager Lynch Digital Media Inc
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I was going to start trying it as soon as the Glow 0.2 client was out which was slated for mid-August. Here's what the folks over at news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.groupware.user had to say about it.
"Glow 0.2 is still in development; we recently got a patch for the Contacts backend, we need to integrate this and build the UI for it.
We also have a patch for accessing OpenGroupware.org from Glow, but it also needs the Contacts feature to work fully.
I will be on vacation now (finally!) for two weeks, so this will push back our release date also but we aim to integrate all of these features and release 0.2 by end October.
It's worth experimenting with OGo and Glow now to get a feel for both, but 0.2 will include a lot of exciting features (the target date has sufferred a bit from feature creep, but this makes it all the more worth the wait)."
I know it's also be used by some as a drop-in replacement for the groupware part of SuSE's OpenExchange Server to avoid the licensing cost of the default groupware product.
Jason Joines Open Source = Open Mind ========================
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