Brad De Vries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mon, 22 Sep 2003 09:08:56 -0700 (PDT)
I have a RH7.3 box and a WinXP box running Cygwin. While sitting at the XP box, running Cygwin, I can
make a connection to the RH box using the Cygwin
X-server and run all the normal X stuff. However, I
can not get the sound from any X-client applications
to come through to the speakers on the XP box.

1) Is this concept even possible?

2) If so, any ideas on how?

The original X specification predates sound on most computers. To the best of my (limited) knowledge, transmitting sound has never been incorporated into the X specification. I think the concept is not currently possible with X.

There are a few alternatives to X in various stages of alpha test. Some of those may do sound. (I read about them in Linux Magazine a few months back so I know they exist. That is enough to start looking if I need them.)

-- Alma

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