Thanks for the suggestion.

> !Gsed '/^  /d' | fmt -w 130<ENTER>

This doesn't do what I need, however.

The newly formatted document will only contain lines which didn't begin
with a blank. Lines beginning with a blank are deleted.

I did try a sed solution with fmt, though. Please see my post:
"Bug in fmt?" elsewhere on this list.


> On Sat, Sep 27, 2003, Joel Hammer wrote:
> >I want to use fmt in vi to format text, eg:
> >          :1,$ ! fmt -w 130
> >
> >Without vi, this command would look like:
> >          cat file ! fmt -w 130
> >
> >I want it to format everything except lines which begin with at least
> >two blanks, like this:
> Extend your command to pipe it through sed first:
> This will format the entire document
> Go to the top of the document (1G);
> !Gsed '/^  /d' | fmt -w 130<ENTER>
> Bill
> --
> INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
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