Hey all, I was trying to order DSL for a friend's
company yesterday and I thought you all might like to
hear the story.

First, since the company uses Ameritech phone lines, I
thought I'd start there.  Checked their website but it
was too far.  Verified distance problems with
DSLReports.com and quickly gave up on that option.

Second, neither of the local cable companies provided
cable to the location due, I think, primarily to the
fact that it's a commercial area.

Thirdly, started looking into wireless offerings from
some local companies when I came across an ISP who
said they could provide DSL to the area.  I checked
their website, sure enough, they provide DSL over
Ameritech lines, so I was quite skeptical.

Call the ISP and asked if DSL really is available at
the address in question.  They said "yes it is".  I
asked "how it was possible that you can provide DSL
over Ameritech lines but Ameritech can't?"  The
salesman said, and I quote, "because we have more
powerful equipment."

My instinct is telling me to stay as far away from
them as possible but I'm REALLY curious.  Do you all
think I should follow my instincts or should I pursue
a relationship with them (until they realize they
can't provide what they promise)?


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