My pstree does ok in rxvt. However, I see that it is using '|' and '-' to do
the drawing of the characters and not a graphic..

What font are you using in each? The rxvt font may not contain the
characters pstree is using. Run rxvt with the same font as xterm. It can be
specified in your $HOME/.Xdefaults (check capitalization) file (if rxvt was
compiled to use x resources, which is optional).

If that does not help, what do you have for these environment variables:




Are they the same for both xterm and rxvt? COLORTERM is specific to rxvt. If
it exists, it overrides TERM. It is safe to 'unset COLORTERM' to get rid of

I have used rxvt quite a bit. We used it as the terminal for our terminal
apps because we could compile it the same on all platforms. We now use Tk
for interfaces, so we don't use rsvt very much.

On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 22:52:19 +1000
James McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


· Roger Oberholtzer          ·   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        ·
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