--- Federico Voges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 12:12:16 -0700 (PDT), Gary Wilson
> wrote:
> >Has anyone here gotten rbash to work with sftp? 
> >
> >Gary
> >
> Nope. I'm using scponly. It supports sftp, scp and
> WinSCP (but not
> konqueror's FISH).

Thanks. I had tried scponly. Thanks to Doug for the
pointer to rssh, which I had also tried. Neither gives
me what rbash does. It's a machine where running
chroot isn't an option. But the user must be
restricted to one directory only. scponly and rssh let
you get in and wander freely and get and remove files.
Its a specific problem machine that I need to do this
with and rbash solves it for shell access, but sftp
doesn't work.


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