> > Hasn't it occurred to you that they don't want to sell you 
> a license 
> > because if their IP claims are proven false...  they could 
> be charged 
> > with fraud??   It's just more smoke and mirrors.
> > 
> Fraud is a criminal charge. It would only be fraud if it 
> could be proven
> that they had *intent* to defraud in full knowledge that they had no
> valid claim to the IP. Proving that they just weren't 
> mistaken (which so
> far is not illegal) would be extremely difficult. 
> Their *civil* liability, in the event they are proven wrong, 
> is entirely
> another matter.

Perhaps we'd best all start documenting our emotional stress and other
symptoms to support the class action suit they should be receiving as soon
as they are determined to be in error.  Hey, if someone can collect $10M
because you did not warning them that the hot coffee they just bought is
hot, you ought to be able to collect for this kind of #^&%^, er, FUD.

In Harmony's Way and In A Chord,

Tom  ;-})

Registered Linux User #154358

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