On 11/09/03 16:12, burns wrote:

On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 12:07, Net Llama! wrote:

If anyone is interested, i just returned from a trip to the deserts of California & Nevada (specifically the area in & around Death Valley). I've got alot of pictures posted here:

Nice pics, Lonnie. What are the 'beehive' buildings?

Charcoal Kilns: http://www.terragalleria.com/parks/np-image.deva2181.html http://totalescape.com/active/campstuff/NP/interest/charkilns.html http://www.death-valley.us/article225.html http://www.customvisuals.net/gallery_directories/prints/s_Ken_Ferrell_Images_203.html

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: http://netllama.ipfox.com

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