Is your software functioning as a proxy ? If you're looking for proxy software that can block addresses, I think even squid does that, not to mention commercial proxy servers from Microsoft and Cisco.

If your software is meant to act on a browser level, one idea that comes to mind is to implement it as a piece of software that intercepts incoming http responses and checks the content against some kind of algorithm (example: a lot of flesh tones ? Must be pornography, therefore block) or a look-up table of banned websites.

How are you going to implement that software ? I really don't know. I have to admit that I am very much against any kind of censorship or spyware software, such as what you are proposing.

Maybe someone else can help you with this.

pascal chong

Sohel Shaheen Mallik wrote:

Hi all,
this problem is not generally specific to Linux based user
problems actually it is a problem i am facing in a software that I have
been developing for some time. This software is designed to trap the
user activity relating to webaccess to different websites. This software
has to trap and block loading of webpages at the users wish. Now the
problem is how i trap the request to a specific web address without
reading only the content in the addressbar. The problem is occuring that
the software is catching the web address from the browser cache. I want
to block it on request. the software is developed in Windows platform ,
please can anyone provide some suggestions.
Thanks in advance ,

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