It could be that there are quite a few things that are setting in the buffer 
and not commited to the hard drive as yet.  This will straighten out with 
time or you can do a sync a few times to force it.  Or something else could 
be happening.


On Sunday July 08, 2001  2:15 pm, Joel Hammer wrote:
> There is something strange on my root drive. Namely, df shows most
> of this partition used up but du shows very little usage.
>       [root@jhammer6 /]# df -h
>       Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>       /dev/hda1             3.7G  3.0G  487M  86% /
>       /dev/hda4              22G   15G  5.9G  72% /mnt/hda4
>       /dev/hda3             1.4G  1.1G  216M  84% /mnt/hda3
>       /dev/hdb1              27G   13G   13G  50% /mnt/hdb1
>       /dev/hdc1              71G   17G   50G  25% /mnt/hdc1
> Note that /dev/hda1, / , has 3 gigs of data it. Now, I have moved almost
> everything off root, including home, usr, opt, and bin and made symbolic
> links to them.
> I wrote a script which runs du -csh against each directory
> in / except for the mounted partitions.
> Here is the script:
>       #!/bin/bash
>       cd /
>       for i in `dir -1`
>       do
>               [  "$i" = mnt ]  ||  {
>               du -csh $i  | sed '/total/d'
>               }
>       done
> Here is the output of the above script:
>       428k
>       428k    System.old
>       2.0k    auto
>       5.9M    bin
>       3.3M    boot
>       15k     dev
>       3.4M    etc
>       0       home
>       1.0k    initrd
>       11k     install
>       1.0k    junk
>       41M     lib
>       12k     lost+found
>       0       opt
>       0       proc
>       20M     root
>       6.5M    sbin
>       208k    shlib
>       0       tftpboot
>       1.9M    tmp
>       0       usr
>       0       var
>       882k    vmlinuz
>       626k    vmlinuz-NoModules
> Now, I don't see any directories here even remotely approaching a gig.  I
> just ran fsck on /dev/hda1, and no errors were reported. So,
> my question is, what am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Joel
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