Shawn Tayler offered this little gem:
% Ok,
% Here is todays really stupid question, I am quite sure.

No question is too stupid to ask. Some questions are, however,
to stupid to answer.  This is not one of of them.
% I was starting to compile the KDE2.1.1 src rpms on my newly installed
% OL 3.1 system.  I noticed that the compiled RPMs end up in the i386
% directory under src etc....  Is this because my Kernel is a stock
% precompiled one?  Or are things just done that way?  Is there a way to

No, it has little to do with your kernel. Rather, it is more about
RPM's default build options.

% get an optimazation of the compiled code to  better utilize my P3-500? 
% Would it behove me to do a Kernel compile of my own first then do these
% other compiles?
Yes. Find /var/lib/rpm/rpmrc (or some such).  Change the default
buildarch to i686. Another way to help is to locate the the options
in that same file that pass options to GCC and add one or both of
"-march=686 -mcpu=686" to the options line (which currently reads
something like "-O2 <blah>".

% Just looking for a little wisdom from the list....

I've got a wisdom tooth you can have, if you think it will help...

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