I have put the files (rpm's) for kde 2.1.1 up onsite for workstation 3.1
as promised but am very busy getting ready to leave tomorrow and cannot
remember what to do to get them "SEEN"................. They are on the
site in a die called, would you believe KDE. They were compiled on a
duron and asus a7v for Sybil.

Obviously they arec in the directory but calling www.eastwind.com.au/kde
gets you a 'permission refused'............ As I just do not have the
time to look things up and have just forgotten what to do, will someone
plaese mail me so as i can keep my promise.


Keith Antoine aka "Skippy"
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland, 4061, Australia PH: 61 7 33002161
Certified Professional Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer,
Insensible phone computer assistance a speciality.

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