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Subject: Announcing Fuzzy Linux 0.5!
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 02:12:26 -0700
From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Announcing Fuzzy Linux 0.5!

I just finished an ISO of Fuzzy Linux, my ickle business card sized linux
 distro build from LFS. The ISO is available for critique at
http://fuzzy.morphidian.com. This server is quite slow, if anyone wants to
mirror it please feel free :) It's designed to fit on a business card sized
 CDR, to put in your wallet or whatever, and consequently is limited to 40mb
 (which I've filled :)

I'm quite proud of it (for a first attempt). It has a web browser (lynx) and
 an IRC client (BitchX). It tries to use DHCP on boot to grab your IP
 address, but has documentation for setting up your networking settings if
 that fails manually. It automagically detects your network card through the
 crappy script /etc/init.d/netdet (which I wrote and others are free to steal

There are a few issues I have that I intend to fiz before the next release:
    1. No PCMCIA support (I didn't know how to do it then :)
    2. It's compiled to i686 (damn uname), this will be changed to i386
    3. Theres not enough stuff on it. I'll look into the linuxcare BBC to see
how they implemented their CD and copy their method.
    4. It needs to be 'weeded'. There are quite a few files in there that
 arent needed, so I'd like to remove everything (like gcc, there are no
 includes, so this isnt needed :)

Any comments you have would be greatly appreciated, however scathing, so I
 can improve it. If anyone has any questions about how anything is done,
 please ask me.

Many thanks to Bryan Dumm for help with the bootscripts.


/* Andrew Craven ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - http://www.morphidian.com/~andy/ */
,n=y&15;n;printf(d>21?"\e[40m\n"+(d=0):" ",d++,n--));}/*   Carpe Noctem   */

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