burns wrote:
> Shawn Tayler wrote:
> > On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 22:54:15 -0400, dep wrote:
> >
> > >and while we're at it, *telling* about beer is *not* sharing.<g>
> > >
> > >--
> > >dep
> >
> > Well stop by and I will...  I've got 2 cases.....
> >
> Where is "by"?
> Next time your in "jolly old" you should try 'Theakston's Old Peculiar'. It has
> it's own magic, even beyond the name.

Well, the name isn't as fancy, but what _I'd_ love to get hold of is a
case of
Lethbridge Velvet Cream Stout from the Lethbridge/Blairmore area of
Fond memories of my mispent youth in the USAF, hand importing cases of
it over
the border.  Got to the point that some of the Border Patrol guards on
both sides
knew me by site - the crazy American with a couple cases of beer lashed
onto the
backside of a '56 Harley Davidson fatbob.  Ah, life was grand!

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