I've been told that this works.  Haven't used it.  Please read appropriate 
man pages. YMMV.  You will need to add the correct /dev/hd?? to have it use 
the correct drive/partition.  Read the man pages for any other possible 
missing options.

Step 1: badblocks -o bad_blocks_file
Step 2: e2fsck -l bad_blocks_file 
Note: the -l is a lower case L, doesn't show up nicely in some fonts.


On Thursday July 26, 2001  1:49 am, Auyeung at Technet Systems wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> My harddisk running RH7.0 is developing bad sectors.
> What is the name of program that will run a surface scan on
> a Linux system?
> I man fsck and it seems that  fsck is not the answer?
> Auyeung

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