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Subject: REG#0027982: NetWare Client for Lin... [Incident:caldera 010612-0009]
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 02:02:34 -0600 (MDT)

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I have been having a terrible time getting my NetWare client to work
eD2.4.  I am in a large NetWare 4.11 network.  The interface seems
intuitive, but when I log in, perhaps I'll get to access volumes for
a while, 
perhaps not, but it always (sooner rather than later) ends up not
letting me 
access the Novell volumes and my logs go berzerk.  I'm sticking with
eD even 
when Sybil comes out because Sybil lacks Novell connectivity.  The
client is what attracted me to Caldera a couple years ago.  Could
you please 
help me?  

Special characteristics of our network over which I have no control
are as 
follows (will change with NetWare 5.1 rollout later in the year or
early next 
27 different partitions in our tree.
HUGE amounts of SAPs are propagated though the tree as well.

Thank you very much,
Matthew Carpenter

ps.  Is there a way to get the NWClient for Sybil?  I'd be willing
to build 
it and RPM it if you still keep it and support it.

pps.  Is there a reason that an eD2.4 box with the latest
kernel and glib's wouldn't work with the NWClient?  I get the

Starting the NetWare client: module /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o:
symbol unregister_filesystem_Rsmp2gig_51975b8e
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol 
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol iget_Rsmp2gig_5d37f195
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol iput_Rsmp2gig_67016cdf
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol 
symbol __pollwait_Rsmp2gig_3de5624e
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol dput_Rsmp2gig_0ac0059f
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
/usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o: unresolved symbol
device mknod: wrong number of arguments
Try `mknod --help' for more information.
nwclientd nwamd
Matthew Carpenter
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          http://www.e-i-s.cc/
Linux User #185986
Enterprise Information Systems
*Network Consulting, Integration & Support
*Web Development and E-Business

At 06/13/2001 01:28 PM you wrote - After compiling and installing
this new nkfs.o module, I get a Segmentation Fault when loading the
module.  I use the following command (taken from
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nwclient and used from the command line):
 /sbin/insmod /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o  

Also, is anyone actively supporting the NetWare client?  I see that
this module is "Open Source" but does that mean that the client is?
Has this been announced loudly so that someone can pick up
management of the project?  What is the reason this client was
dropped?  Is Novell going to be providing a client from here out?


At 06/14/2001 02:32 PM you wrote - I did a make;make install and the
module at /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o changed timestamps to yesterday
(the day I compiled).

I just now, went to the source directory and did an 
insmod nkfs.o
and it took.

Then I started the client and it seems to be working.
Thank you.  I'll close the case in a day or so.  Let me work with it
a bit. 

At 06/19/2001 09:57 AM you wrote - This is really odd.  When I
reboot, I get varied results.  It seemed to work the first time,
when I had to manually insmod nkfs.o.  Now that I have run depmod -a
and rebooted I do load the nkfs.o module when I start the client,
but now I cannot access any Volumes.  I can traverse the tree but
when I do a nwwhoami I get back that I have a connection to the
server I'm trying to access but I'm unauthenticated.  My logs show
 nwamd[1301]: objectTable: Trying to unlock bad entry 0
over and over again.
ipx is configure to auto_primary and auto_interface.

Before rebooting (the reason for it) I was able to read from the
volumes fine and was even able to mkdir a directory but was unable
to actually write to the volume any file information.

At 06/19/2001 10:06 AM you wrote - Just ran across the following
logs as well...

nwclientd[1170]: NetWare Client Version 4.2.1
nwclientd[1170]: NetWare Client Copyright (c) Novell, Inc.
nwclientd[1170]: NetWare Client Copyright (c) Caldera, Inc.
nwclientd[1170]: Portions of NetWare Client Copyright (c) RSA Data
Security, Inc.
modprobe: can't locate module char-major-254
nwamd[1178]: init: Unable to open device.

At 06/13/2001 08:35 AM we wrote - 

There are quite a few bugs in the nwclient that is shipped with
eDesktop. Unfortunatly development on the client has been stopped so
those bugs have not been fixed, nor are the going to be fixed in the
near future. The problems you are describing are the same as the
problems caused by those bugs. 

With the nkfs module, the reason you are getting those unresolved
symbol errors is because that module was compiled for the original
kernel and the nkfs module was not included with the updated kernel.
To get the nkfs module working again you will have to recompile it
for the new kernel. Here is where you can grab the source to
recompile it:


just untar and uncompress it then read the readme and other
documentation for compiling it.

At 06/13/2001 03:16 PM we wrote - 

Is /usr/lib/modules/nkfs.o the place where you copied the newly
compiled module? Make sure you know the full path to the module. You
could even load it from the source directory if you can find there
where it put the nkfs.o file. 

Also you could copy the nkfs file to the
/lib/modules/<version_name>/fs/ directory then run 'depmod -a'.
After that you could try:

modprobe nkfs

and see if the module will load.

While the module for the kernel is opensourced  the nwclient is not.
The nwclient for Linux is still owned by novell but they have not
said what their plans for it are. You best bet is to contact Novell
and ask them what their plan is, becaues we don't know.

At 06/19/2001 01:21 PM we wrote - 

It looks as though it is trying to open a device that the nwamd
needs to run. You can add the this entry to your /dev/ directory:

mknod /dev/nkfsd c 254 0

You have to add this as root. Also Please note that this is beyond
the scope of basic installation support so we can't offer much more
help on this subject. For more information see:


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